Scientific Articles not in Wikidata

This file, scholarly_articles_not_in_wikidata.tsv.gz, contains the information about the scientific articles in the CORD-19 corpus which are not present in Wikidata as of March 30, 2020. We created customised Qnodes for these articles using the formula,

Qnode(article) = Q00007770 + (Pubmed central or Pubmed Id)

We added the information about the articles, for eg: authors, DOI, published year etc. as found in the CORD-19 dataset using the properties in Wikidata.

Sample from the file,

id node1 property node2
Q0000777030612085-P31-30612085|None.json-0 Q0000777030612085 P31 Q13442814
Q0000777030612085-label-30612085|None.json-1 Q0000777030612085 label The antiviral activity of arbidol hydrochloride against herpes simplex virus type II (HSV-2) in a mouse model of vaginitis.
Q0000777030612085-P577-30612085|None.json-2 Q0000777030612085 P577 2019
Q0000777030612085-P1476-30612085|None.json-3 Q0000777030612085 P1476 The antiviral activity of arbidol hydrochloride against herpes simplex virus type II (HSV-2) in a mouse model of vaginitis.
Q0000777030612085-P698-30612085|None.json-4 Q0000777030612085 P698 30612085
Q0000777032111113-P31-32111113|None.json-0 Q0000777032111113 P31 Q13442814
Q0000777032111113-label-32111113|None.json-1 Q0000777032111113 label [The keypoints in treatment of the critical coronavirus disease 2019 patient].
Q0000777032111113-P577-32111113|None.json-2 Q0000777032111113 P577 2020
Q0000777032111113-P1476-32111113|None.json-3 Q0000777032111113 P1476 [The keypoints in treatment of the critical coronavirus disease 2019 patient].
Q0000777032111113-P698-32111113|None.json-4 Q0000777032111113 P698 32111113
Q0000777031125806-P31-31125806|None.json-0 Q0000777031125806 P31 Q13442814
Q0000777031125806-label-31125806|None.json-1 Q0000777031125806 label Nucleoside analogues for the treatment of coronavirus infections.
Q0000777031125806-P577-31125806|None.json-2 Q0000777031125806 P577 2019
Q0000777031125806-P1476-31125806|None.json-3 Q0000777031125806 P1476 Nucleoside analogues for the treatment of coronavirus infections.
Q0000777031125806-P698-31125806|None.json-4 Q0000777031125806 P698 31125806
Q0000777032096564-P31-32096564|None.json-0 Q0000777032096564 P31 Q13442814
Q0000777032096564-label-32096564|None.json-1 Q0000777032096564 label Combination of RT-qPCR Testing and Clinical Features For Diagnosis of COVID-19 facilitates management of SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak.
Q0000777032096564-P577-32096564|None.json-2 Q0000777032096564 P577 2020
Q0000777032096564-P1476-32096564|None.json-3 Q0000777032096564 P1476 Combination of RT-qPCR Testing and Clinical Features For Diagnosis of COVID-19 facilitates management of SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak.